It's about me and my stuff,and alot more.Please Join my site ok.Donna mae social club for roleplayers and more.You can create
your own groups and upload your stuff as well.*smile happily =D*
About Me - I love edited pictures and making website pages mostly..also love to hangout with my friend
brandon is just way too cute..I love that him in year 2002 at high school..He was getting his teaching dregee in
french at the time so he was teaching mrs.kirksey french class..his my best online and real friend too that I love talking
too mostly okay.*smile happily =D*
My garfield high school akron profile page..go rams.Chech out my blogs and alot more coming very soon like march 2009.It's
my unofficial official profile is on donna mae amis and rping webs dot com pages.*smile =D*